About the changing world all around us

This Sunday was the annual “tourist in your own city” in Oslo, arranged by Visit Oslo and of course Renny and I were there to participate in the days activities. Everyone coming to the City Hall between 10 and 16 today were given a free OsloPass allowing everyone free admission to all the cities museums as well as free public transportation. There were expected 8000 participants today.

Parlament Building

Parlament Building

As part of the activities Oslo Guide Bureau set up a Rebus puzzle which led us to different sites throughout the city. You had to solve the puzzle and visit each site to get a clue which showed you were there, like for example what was written in a special book, what was hanging at the site or how many stairs there were in a specific stairway. It was actually quite challenging so I was glad we were three who went together. We found all our posts and delivered the answers and are in for a chance to win tickets to the European Song Contest among other prizes.

"Ibsen" helps Renny and Edgar with a clue

"Ibsen" helps Renny and Edgar with a clue

The Nobel Peace Center was part of the Puzzle. We had not been here before so it was even something new to us! Of course we checked out the exhibit on the latest peace prize winner, Barack Obama.

Obama tribute at the Nobel Peace Center

Obama tribute at the Nobel Peace Center

We also enjoyed an artwork called the Peace Garden which was dark and colorful with information at each post on Peace winners and people who work for Peace.

Peace Garden

Peace Garden

When we had finished the puzzle we had just enough time for a little snack before joining a guided walking tour of the city. Here we used the Oslo Guide Service which will be assisting us at OsloBlog gathering, and of course we used the opportunity to make as many tourist services aware of the event as possible. RennyBA has had T-shirts made up for the two of us which include the OsloBlog gathering Logo, and with RennyBAs Terella  logo on the back. Here when you see the photos I feel its important to remind you that we are looking for a little publicity, but it is a non-profit event. All costs and fees are for the services we receive. However the T shirts are a good way to get attention and increase interest in the Blog Gathering.

Solving a puzzle in Oslo BG T shirt

Solving a puzzle in Oslo BG T shirt

On the walking tour we passed though a historical section of town. Here you see an overview of the waterfront taken fromt the grounds of Akeshurs Fortress.

View from above of the Warf

View from above of the Warf

If you would like to see all the highlights of the day click here and see the entire slideshow from Flick’r. Or better yet come and enjoy yourself at the Oslo Blog Gathering 2010!

The entire arrangement today was also free, and designed to encourage the people of Oslo to get to know their city a little better. Oslo is a very compact city and has a lot to offer. In fact although we could use public transportation the whole day, we in fact spent the entire day on foot. The center is relatively small and can be crossed in about 15 minutes. Just imagine how much you could cover in 3 days. I am sure we can fill them up. Remember to stop by RennyBA’s Terella to see his post from the day as well!

Comments on: "Tourist in your own town in Oslo 2010" (8)

  1. […] for my wife DianeCA’s post from today’s adventures: Always in new and other […]

  2. Love the T.shirt OBG 2010!!! I want one for me and Pierre when we arrive, please say us what we have to do to have one?!!!!
    Sounds a fabulous day you had! We have one day in the year, the towns’ museums are free. I have a theater book writted by Ibsen at home! I’ll read it before arriving in Oslo!

  3. Thanks for sharing this event in such am eminent way.

    We should have been there as well, but due to the weekends work in both the Railway and Road tunnels, I had to drive Ingelin, Leander and Sölvi to the Airport. They went to Düsseldorf again.

    Luckely for you, it was a great Sunny Sunday – in contrast to this morning!!

  4. This is a really cool idea! I think we should all be tourists in our cities around the world for at least a day. You do get a totally different perspective… that’s why I love photography so much, it forces me to keep my eyes open in familiar surroundings.

  5. I love to see you’re reports from the same adventures dear – and the best thing: To experience it together with you 😉

  6. Great post Diane! And photos! Yes, there is so much to see! We’ll have full days trying to cover up most of it – even though we have been in Oslo before and seen some of it already, but that was more in a hurry. We’re really looking forward to see you again! The end highlight of summer 🙂

  7. Hello my friends!
    What a nice weather!
    Beautifull Oslo Aker Brygge, isn’t it?
    Uau! I’m coming!

  8. What a great idea to be a tourist in your own town. Now that we are retired my husband and I tour sites around us that we passed by for years, and it is a lot of fun. Oslo center sounds full of exciting things to do.

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